

Committees play an important role in representing the perspective of our core membership. The Alumni Association President shall appoint the chair of each Standing and Ad Hoc Committees. Committee appointments may also be performed by a surrogate designated by the President.


  1. Activities– Kim Fitting ’84, Barb Smith Pearce ‘65, Sandy Daily ’65 Helen Forbes McCollum ’56, Shirley Kauffman Kannegieser ’50
  2. Auditing–Open
  3. Fundraising-Tammi Hammaker ‘83 Chairman
  4. Susquehanna Invitational Golf Committee-Susan Gordon ‘78, Tammi Hammaker ’83, Irene Knapik ‘56, Rick Machamer ‘77, Tim DeFoor ’79 (ex-officio), John Fabian ‘03
  5. Hanna Education Foundation– John Fabian ‘03, Dwayne DeFoor ’78
  6. Historical-Charlene Morris ‘70
  7. Marketing-Susan Gordon ‘78
  8. Membership–Dwayne DeFoor, ‘78, Elliot Solomon ’16
  9. Memorial Gardens-Shirley Kauffman Kannegieser ’50, Chair Emeritus
  10. Newsletter–Dwayne DeFoor ‘78, Barb Smith Pearce ‘65
  11. Nominating-Open
  12. Outreach-Irene Knapik ‘56, Shirley Kauffman Kannegieser ’50
  13. Pink Out-Tammi Hammaker ‘83, Andrea Mercurio Weikert ’85, Susan Gordon ’78, Dwayne DeFoor ‘78,  Lexi Weikert ’18, Justin Pitassi ’20,
  14. Justice Roney ’20, Lulia Haile ’21
  15. Scholarship–Dwayne DeFoor ‘78 Chairman, Tammi Hammaker ‘83, Susan Gordon ’78, Irene Knapik ‘56, Charlene Morris ‘70
  16. School Liaison–Julie Deniston, Peggy (Hummel) Keiser ’45
  17. Social Media / Website–Charles Friedlander ‘78, Susan Gordon ‘78, Dwayne DeFoor ‘78