
Our Mission

The “Building Champions” mission is to build modern sporting and educational facilities at Susquehanna Township School District’s Roscoe Warner Field complex.

Our Objectives

The objective of this project, as a public interest initiative, is to create a positive, strong and lasting impression with a first-rate field house complex, modern restrooms & concessions, and ancillary turf areas. Winning athletic programs with strong traditions produce skills,
experiences and memories that stay with athletes throughout their lives. A post 1959 era facility at the Roscoe Warner field complex will provide students and community members of Susquehanna Township with a top-tier training, performance, and educational spaces.

Our Focus Areas

Outdated 1959 concessions and restroom facilities

1186 square feet
Lacks insulation and heat
Inadequate cooking area
Limited storage and refrigeration

Limited water closets

One ADA compliant
restroom space
Less than optimal amount of hand washing basins

No team meeting space

Lack of a media center

Lack of dedicated
training space

Athletic workouts in hallways
Students pay outside entities
to practice indoors

Limited training room facilities

Cramped space, antiquated training tables and insufficient medical technology to deal with injured student-athletes. Less than optimal distance to athletic fields

Lack of a Multi-use area

Teams rent space to hold end of year banquets or other events

locker rooms

The athletic program locker rooms constructed in 1959 – are noted for their lack of air conditioning on a near 90-degree day, cramped spaces, and no shower facilities

Limited Weight Room Space

Long and narrow space was the former library
Extremely limited mobility between equipment

Limited Coaches spaces

What is available is located in the high school basement

Building Champions Campaign

See why we need your support to build a new modern field house at the high school’s Roscoe Warner complex. Together we can build a lasting legacy to honor our rich traditions of excellence.